Terre Del Barolo

Terre Del Barolo

This is the 2017 Terre Del Barolo from Barolo, Italy. It cost $27 and is made from Nebbiolo grapes.

This wine had very distinct smoky and leathery smells with slight tones of strawberries and other red berries. By itself it tasted leathery with tones of red berries such as raspberries with a sweet and acidic aftertaste. I also tried it with Spring Truffle Pecorino and that just made this good wine into a great wine. The truffle cheese and the wine paired so amazing together. The sweetness of the wine came out with the combination of the truffle and sharpness of the cheese made it almost the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life. They complimented each other so well and the aftertaste of red berries and truffle lingered in my mouth and was a taste I would love to experience every day of my life if it wasn’t so expensive. The cheese also took the acidity down to a perfect amount with the cheese to just pucker my mouth a little and keep me longing for more.

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